
To access the diagnostics, go to Toolbox --> Diagnostics node.

The diagnostics feature allows you to see all the most recent events that occurred on the PBX. You can filter the events by different parameters (e.g. Id, entity, description). You can also access the log files by clicking on ‘go to log files’.


You can download the diagnostic files by clicking on the Export diagnostic icon  Diagnostic Download or by clicking on the Go to log files icon Logs Directory.

You can quickly debug problems and misconfigurations by setting the parameters in the Advanced search section. Advance search section searches the diagnostic against the set up parameters which helps to isolate the problem.

See below for the possible parameters:

LevelAllows you to select the level of messages to be displayed.
  • Normal: displays the basic level of exchange messages between entities (e.g. gateway, Sip devices) and PBX
  • Warning: allows you to display all warning messages in the communication between entities and PBX (e.g. authentication failed).
  • Exceptions / Errors: allows you to display all the errors occurred at the PBX events.

Allows you to filter the type of interaction you want to debug.debug. Following types are as follows: 

  • System
  • Connection
  • Call
  • Chat
  • Transfer
  • Presence
  • License:  allows you to log the information about the license at the time of adding a new license or starting the PBX. 
 IDAllows you to filter the information for a specific call ID.

 Allows you to filter out the information for a particular entity system. Following entities are as follows:

  • User
  • Group
  • Gateway
  • IVR
  • Service Number         
  • Audio message
  • Time Table
  • Routing rule 
 DescriptionIt allows you to look inside the packet dump, the search mode is text based which allows you to search for information in the package directly.